The Queen

The Gem of December
From the moment this specimen was hand-picked by the hands of Alchemy of Routine, coincidentally, as nothing is, those hands are the hands of a litho-therapist. They feel before they see. You see mud and dirt; they feel potential. Potential for growth, different kinds of insights, ready for harvest when everything is frozen by winter’s coldness and darkness. So little Sun, isn’t it? The Sun is always here, resilient, yet too bright to be disturbed by polarities. The same goes for the queen. They see the throne; she knows the journey.
And how many eons do you think pass before some of the most delicious earthly ingredients match the radiance of chalcopyrite, allowing iron to oxidize at its potent temperature and emerge as the most powerful thunder of the dream deliverer – baryte? While the tantric web of pointed, sharp, and clean as heaven on earth – quartz crystals with fire and coat of cognac – magnetizes the whole field into the electric launch of playing the game of Life until alchemy becomes routine. Last but most savory – the gold. What a buffet in one piece. That took time for glory and grace.
The Queen always feels like velvet, even when she is inside a lot of heavy metal.