Primal Movement




Two pictures from the same day. Light, darkness and chorus between which we balance, until we die oxidized. Ironically, that’s exactly what keeps us alive. That dance, the opportunity of the moment, a brave heart that can be a psychiatric expression as well as absolutely everything related to the heart and emotions. Can we look through them into the potential of our own temples and jump into the unknown and conquer it? Guided by basic human needs, we explore what is foreign to us with the precise goal of making our lives easier. But all the while, from the darkness itself, we take out the dance steps for the right choreography that moves to the Universal Rhythms. It is easy to walk towards the Light. We came out of the caves because we are attracted to it. And we have left the darkness of transgenerational failures behind.


It sits in the density of bones, projecting Jung’s well-known shadow, which accompanies each of us faithfully and everywhere. The most interesting paradox is that nothing is more toxic than a positive and an assumption. Just as there is nothing more dangerous than stumbling down the darkness. What do we have left?


Middle way. Balance, hands, balance. Take your brother with a smile on your face, a shadow behind you, and go. Not forward, not backward, but diagonally. We go back and forth naturally, attracted by the magnetism of Time, but few have the courage to Play Life between the left and right of the Father as they climb. We are talking about rising to the fourth dimension, because on the Bridge of the Heart we all report to a personal hell from which we cut our nails.

When human potential lies on the z-axis in mathematics, if you slowly climb and do not give up, you are enabled to form a diagonal from the Cartesian product of your own being and live by the Universal Laws that are outside the Matrix.

Want evolution? Accept the X axis of time and leave the steep climb on the Y axis that brings two options – Paradise that exists only in theory, like a carrot that we tie to a stick, you are followed by a donkey and you get nothing valuable. And Hell, persistent and real, hurts us wherever it touches.

It is good to know that climbing a steep slope is approached diagonally because it gives results. Thus, when you reach your personal Peak, you can enjoy the scenery without being blinded by your own ascent. I wish you the best of luck all of Y rising Alchemists.


photos and text: LIGIA POP