If you are a fitness, yoga or pilates center, Academy, Business institution, or any other private or business space that would like to make their workout routine unique and give it a foundation for growth, development, and creation of your own Temple, contact us at

We will approach your desires with special attention to create an offer that satisfies both sides.

The same applies to jewelry designers who might want to create with valuable and unique raw materials that immediately raise the value of your artistic expression.

Reach out to find the most favorable solution, again to mutual satisfaction. Regular clients are extremely important to us, and we want to give them the priority of purchase, since each product of raw crystals tells a completely unique story, which you wouldn’t want to miss. In that case, we want to reward you with the latest information and offers from the AOR world, delivered to you by our newsletter once a month, or more frequently if needed.

We want to see pictures of your workout routines on our mats and include them in our gallery, which is already filled with numerous photos of real people, professionals, and enthusiasts in sports and bold aesthetics.

Keep in mind that Alchemy of Routine is a family story, which took a year and a half from the idea to realization and a lifetime of learning. Our family is the heart, mind, and hand of this project, so please have patience for any inquiries you may have. We will try to respond as soon as possible.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” - Mother Teresa