Mother of the Pearls, from ancient Egypt, through mighty China and the Vatican, to the irresistible charm of Mediterranean countries, has always carried the message of the Divine Feminine and represented beauty, purity, protection, and served as a metaphor for divine Truths.
It is very interesting that Mother of the Pearls is actually a mineral. Mollusks produce these minerals inside their shells to ensure their home is safe from damage.
In spiritual meaning, it connects three very important centers of the human subtle body – the solar plexus, the heart, and the crown chakra. I believe that this energetic fuel comes from calcium carbonate, which is why they have such a luminous appearance.
The story of chakras and the spiritual meaning of Mother of the Pearls, as someone with enough knowledge and experience, I will explain in the simplest and most vivid way possible so that Knowledge is accessible regardless of which step of your personal growth you are currently on.
Our solar plexus chakra is the place where all our traumas accumulate because it is where our Emotional Brain resides. Transcendence, or rather Alchemy, and then the establishment of order/healing, happens when we accept our own responsibility and step out of the victim mindset in all areas of our life. That is where our inner power lies, but the Heart, in the meantime, will go through numerous phases of deep cleansing and emotional roller coasters because the Heart chakra is actually the one that digests food in both a literal and metaphorical sense.
In a spiritual/metaphorical sense, this connection between the solar and heart chakras, I would say, is a perfect representation of the deep learning of the Chinese martial art Tai Chi.
The Solar fights to survive, while the Heart must attain Wisdom despite the ride.
If this is successfully done on the path of Healing, the Crown is merely a consequence of Mother of the Pearls’ Teaching and the Legacy of great Truths.