The beauty of sports and an athletic lifestyle intertwines in many ways with the sense of fairness and justice. We know that sports nurture both the “body and spirit” , and there’s one feeling as universal as love and pain—a feeling you’d never think to associate with these two concepts in the same sentence.
Regardless of where in the world we are, how old we are, or whether we are male or female, our first chakra—the one guiding us on the journey called Security and our place in this world—represents the ideal state of social interactions, where fair and impartial balance of interests and distribution of goods prevail. This, in essence, is the definition of Justice. Because only if Justice is fulfilled in the overarching concept of our routine can we feel secure and hold a stable place in this world.
Solid as a rock. Or a Stone.
When we are secure in ourselves and our place, we can also Love. I’ve seen so many illusions about love while knees buckled under insecurity. An insecure person cannot love, no matter what they claim. Because an insecure person doesn’t love themselves, having been denied Justice. And here’s where I get to the point: Justice is distributed to everyone according to the justice they have shown in practice. A person secure in themselves and their place in the world, with a stable first chakra, has received Justice as a consequence.
They first gave themselves everything they “thought” others needed to give them. They didn’t back down from themselves for the sake of others’ opinions or for those who sought to drag them down to their own, always lower, level. People at a high level of consciousness want to pull you up, not down. Remember that!
Such a person will go down on their knees only to healthily distill their ego, but they will never kneel before any form of unhealthy human systemic programming, stupidity, or malicious nature.
Because Justice is like Tennis. The White Sport. We may wait for it a long time, it may move slowly, but it’s always attainable. That’s why, in this karmic year of the “nine” I wish for you to serve for Justice and become the Ace of your solid foundations.
An Ace may be locked in the Australian jungle or the game of Jumanji, but Justice—or, as some prefer, Karma—is as fair as the strength of our forearm. I recently heard a wise story about forearms and rewards, and it struck me as a brilliant association. And yes, there were turtles in the story. Slow they may be, but the rabbit burned out quickly, and the turtle reached the finish line.
Experiences with higher chakras and the awakened worlds are beautiful. But if your knees are shaking, work on your elbow. And serve for Victory.
Just don’t forget to BE Justice first.
With Love, Tamara